During the 2019 annual conference, EWPN introduced 4 action points, including mobilising the industry to combat modern day slavery and human trafficking. RedCompass gave a keynote speech at the event on the topic. We believe that as a not-for-profit organization with the community we have built over the last years, EWPN should be on the forefront driving change to help create an ethical and responsible industry.

Call to Arms

Now, EWPN and RedCompass are partnering to call out the industry to take action. Be a champion for freedom and help eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking.

With this call, EWPN and RedCompass have produced a white paper.

“We can all imagine the sex worker who has been trapped into a life of modern slavery. We can all imagine a huddled mass of migrants in a faraway place loaded onto a truck. What we struggle to accept or acknowledge is that you and I wear clothes made by slaves. We eat tinned tomatoes picked by people who have been bought and sold. Our nails have been painted by people in forced labour. Our fresh fruit picked by them. Our cars are washed, and our hotel bedrooms cleaned by them. Every day you and I enjoy the benefits of slavery. The lower the prices, the extra convenience of the services. Is this true – you ask? How can this be possible?”

The reasons for writing this paper are three-fold:

  • To raise awareness of this huge and growing issue
  • To examine the obligations and challenges facing the financial services industry when it comes to fighting modern slavery and human trafficking
  • To highlight what practical steps the industry can and should take to tackle these crimes

Download the white paper here.

What can you do?

Sign up now and commit to supporting the call for action and to do your part in combating human trafficking.


EWPN and RedCompass aim to review the sign-ups and achievements and present them during the 2021 annual conference of EWPN.