Svenia is an experienced and enthusiastic manager of merchant projects in the payment world. In recent years, she has developed her broad expertise from the point-of-sale payment business into the e-commerce and cloud-based till system sector. Always with the goal of supporting retailers in Germany and Europe, growing together with them and making the best possible use of the opportunities offered by digitalization.
After initial professional experience in global sales and project management, Svenia began her career in the payment world in 2017. She focused three years on the dynamic environment of point-of-sale payment while working at a big fintech company. Afterwards, she joined Unzer, a German payment service provider, as Senior Technical Key Account Manager in 2020. Arising from various individual companies, mergers and acquisitions have shaped Unzer into a German payment service provider, that can offer all payment services from a single source: from PSP, Acquiring and BuyNow-PayLater services in E-Commerce, over cashless payment and cloud-based till systems at the Point-of-Sale up to debt collection management. This allows Svenia to provide comprehensive advice and support to merchants across all channels and facilitate payments.
Despite a fulfilling full-time job, Svenia is quickly inspired by new challenges. She recently completed her part-time Master’s degree in Business Consulting & Digital Management, which she had started during pandemic times. She completed this with intensive research for her master’s thesis in the field of conversational commerce and payment. Whether professionally in customer projects or in her personal life, Svenia’s mission is to connect people to grow, learn, and achieve visions together.