herCAREER has a vision which can only be reached together! They say it will take 217 years for men and women to reach professional equality – according to the latest World Economic Forum. We can only fight this together. herCAREER was set up to provide support to women in the professional world. It aims to pick up with women where they are right now: at the start of their career, career advancement, return to work or setting up their own company. All that with relevant subjects that really affect them.
herCAREER breaks up hierarchy levels and allows an exchange of ideas as equals. As a visitor, you’ll have a chance to tap into both the knowledge of the crowd and also learn from the experiences and know-how of experienced role models and insiders. At herCAREER, you’ll get in conversations with experts in a relaxed atmosphere, and you can build up your network in a strategic, targeted way.
The range of exhibitors is also quite unique: The focus is on employers from a wide range of industries, exciting training options, and also every possible aspect of how to combine family and career, plus services for founders and entrepreneurs. New areas this year include the subjects finance, money and insurance. In addition, at Future talks, companies will present the range of innovations they are working on, and how they are driving digitalisation and New Work. They will also present their hubs, accelerators and incubators in the Innovation Lab format.
The aim is to become THE platform for career planning for women in Germany, so that women can progress faster in their careers – whether as an employee or with their own company.
We are recognized as provider of “Bildungsurlaub” (paid educational leave) in numerous German states.