techUK, 10 Saint Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AD
26 February 2020 - 17:30

Join us for the first UK Women in Identity Meet-Up of 2020

About this Event

Held in partnership with Tech UK, we’ll be focusing on the issue of unconscious biases and the diversity shortfall, looking at how these may affect the solutions we are all working on.

It’s also a chance to meet the team at Women in Identity and get involved!

You don’t have to be a woman to attend, everyone is welcome!


17:30 Registration

18:00 Meet the WiD team

Welcome & introductions

18:15 Bias and identity – we all carry unconscious biases around in our thinking. In teams where there is already a lack of diversity across gender, age, race and ethnicity, we can expect the problem only to worsen

We’ll look at what WiD has discovered about inherent bias from our workshops at recent conferences. And we’ll be actively testing what biases we individually may bring to work each day

19:15 Diversity and Identity panel: a chance to hear very different stories of progress through our industry. Panellists will include

  • Cheryl Stevens – Deputy Director, Identity and Trust at DWP Digital
  • Louise Maynard-Atem, Innovation Specialist at Experian
  • Seema Khinda Johnson, Co-Founder & COO at Nuggets

20:00 Close and networking with refreshments

Spaces are strictly limited so please register early! Priority will be given to Women in Identity members.

Got a question? Email or contact us via our social channels @womeninid

Register here

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