Online virtual event
10 June 2021 - 14:00

EWPN / EPCA Panel Discussion – Buy Now Pay Later: from e-commerce niche to trading norm – Opportunities and Threats

Thursday, 10.06.2021, 14:00-15:00 CET (14:00-14:40 Panel discussion, 14:40-15:00 Q & A)

EWNP and EPCA discuss the impact of regulation, BNPL versus traditional credit, and implications for merchants in the new BNPL environment.

About this event

Buy Now Pay Later has established itself in eCommerce and starts to branch out into physical retail. It’s mostly applied to consumer goods purchases, electronics, apparel, white goods, etc. This form of invoice based payment is expected to grow more than 10x globally (CB Insights) and still >3x in Europe over the next 5 years.

So far largely unregulated, regulation is almost certain to come which most likely will less dampen growth itself – consumers have well adopted this form of payment and like it – but will drive separation between the bigger players and smaller ones.

Merchants have the choice to partner up with Buy Now Pay Later providers that are largely focusing on B2C and building audience themselves and B2B players that either provide both and appealing front-end and credit capabilities or just the front-end if a bank choice exists already. Banks as such and with much of their acquiring business handed over to payment service providers play a smaller role in BNPL, but will surely try to do so.


  • Szilvia Egri – FemTechLab & Country Ambassador Hungary EWPN (Hungary)
  • Marco Fava – CleverAdvice (Italy)
  • Chris Jones – PSE Consulting (UK)
  • Mikko Riger – – Consulting in Payments (Finland)


  • Ronald te Velde – Connective Payments (Netherlands)

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