Unlock the payments potential in Africa by attending the inaugural Africa – Global Payment Summit (GPS), to be held on 27-28th August 2019 at the Hilton Sandton in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Africa GPS will bring together the 16 SADC – Central Bank members and key stakeholders instrumental in the quest for an enhanced payments and banking ecosystem and will provide a focus and takeaways on how this can be realised. We will look at the latest national developments, wallets as well as the larger, cross-border regional platforms that are transforming the African payments landscape. Also in focus will be the cashless initiatives across the region enabling the unbanked and geographically remote to transact seamlessly. Beyond the African landscape, our international reach will endeavour to bring the global best practices from Europe, America, and Asia.
Why join Africa GPS?
Organized by Currency Research, Africa GPS is a niche, content-driven Summit with an emphasis on thought leadership, knowledge exchange and high-level networking. The event brings together central bankers, regulators, innovators, decision-makers and entrepreneurs from the entire payments, banking and FinTech ecosystem.
More details can be found here: https://www.africa.globalpaymentsummit.com/
LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/109419/
Twitter handle and hashtag: @globalpaysummit #asiapaysummit
For more info, check out the agenda and registration details here: https://www.africa.globalpaymentsummit.com/register-page/
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